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Partnership2Gether - Community Building

Our Jewish traditions, cultural diversity and the faith connect us. Discover our partnership program that has the potential to build our global community across continents. Our Jewish traditions, our cultural diversity, our faith connect us. This bridge gives us fantastic new connections, experiences, a sense of identity, it ensures the growth and future of our community.

Partnership2Gether (P2G) is a collaboration between Sochnut and the North American Jewish Associations (JFNA) that supports the opportunity to build personal relationships through cultural, social, medical, educational, and economic programs.

The P2G program connects 16 North American Jewish communities with Israeli Western Galilee and Budapest. Its mission is to create a better and better everyday life for our local communities in Israel, America and Budapest as a large global family.

Program participants and volunteer leaders can build relationships across a variety of topics. We organize programs in the arts, education, academic exchanges, resource development, medicine, or topics specifically targeted at young people. There are countless search options available from the program, from the way you build relationships, to the main purpose of community building, through your interests to age.

Join the partnership program, build lifelong relationships!

More information about the program at the following link:


Contect name: Hédi Pusztai 